"Actuar desde el corazon"
La energia del corazon es la que nos mantiene honestos y en integridad con nuestras intenciones. Venimos de la Luz, esa es nuestra familia. Somos todos UNO, la separatidad no existe. Actuar desde el corazon es: no hacer daño, ser honesto, íntegro, encontrar el gozo siempre y vivirlo al tope; ah! y también, dar las gracias.
11-11-11 FTG


domingo, 25 de diciembre de 2011

Thrive (Prosperar)

By Foster Gamble
What is keeping us from thriving? After a lifetime journey of pursuing that question, my research revealed that a small group of financial elite have gained control over key areas of our lives – energy, food, health care, education and more – and are the single greatest threat to humanity’s ability to thrive.

As I researched the problems in each Sector of human activity, I came to the shocking realization that virtually every problem we face is human-caused. But then I realized what good news this actually is. If there were a comet plummeting toward Earth or the planet was careening out of orbit we would be at a loss as to what to do. If, on the other hand, people caused it, we have a better chance of being able to fix it as we wake up, expose corruption and align with natural principles.

It is not that humans are incapable of thriving. It’s that we’ve been duped into a system that is designed to consolidate wealth and power, rather than provide a real opportunity for people to thrive. By exposing this agenda, strategically challenging deceptive systems such as central banks and fiat money, and coming up with new ways to organize and cooperate, we can obsolete this destructive agenda and liberate our planet and our true human potential.

At first, an agenda to control others was hard for me to consider. But as I spent many years getting myself educated about it, many things that hadn’t made sense began to fall into place. A different story began to emerge which, horrible as it was to consider, actually explained more than ever before and provided a feeling achieving some traction in what I could do about our predicament. I came to realize the desperate drive to dominate others is based in a worldview of scarcity and fear. The controlling elite seem to believe the only options are to control, or be controlled, and realizing that gave me a better understanding of why they have chosen their current route. Now it is up to the rest of us to transcend this destructive belief system and show that we are capable of governing ourselves… that we actually can thrive.

WHAT is the Global Domination Agenda?

The global domination agenda is a plan by powerful private bankers to take over all our primary systems (money, energy, food, media, etc.) and to establish a sole global authority – with themselves in charge. They use the media, central banks, multinational corporations, governments, major foundations, and international agencies such as the IMF and World Bank to implement their strategies. So far they have successfully brought down countries across the globe, including Argentina, Chile, Ecuador, Argentina, Tanzania, Indonesia, Brazil, Poland, Mexico, Bolivia, Thailand, Iceland, the Soviet Union, Japan, Greece and scores of others. They are now attempting to dismantle the U.S. by collapsing the dollar and making sure Americans are in debt they can’t repay.

This pyramid shows the basic structure of control. The financial elite are at the top. They use international and national central banks to control corporations (which they loan to at special rates), manipulate national economies and hence their governments, and get everyone in debt to the bankers.

Regular working people, who produce most of the real wealth on this planet, are at the bottom of the pyramid. As of 2007, the richest 2% of adults owned more than 50% of the global assets[1] and as of 2010, one out of every seven people didn’t have enough to eat.[2]

Material wealth and resources continue to funnel up to the financial elite, while domination and control come down through the international banking structure and the corporations and governments below them. It’s important to note that the strength of the pyramid is in its base. As people wake up and withdraw their support, the corrupt money structure will lose its control.

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